Da ich mir die deutschen Kategorien der Amazon API nicht merken kann, lege ich mir hier mal nen Merkzettel ab. Evtl. hilft es ja anderen.
Amazon ändern immer mal wieder die category localevalues (auch als SearchIndex bekannt) hier der aktuelle Link:
//amazon/data.php //this file contains the static data about product categories and search types at Amazon //(the name may be a bit unclear) //Source: http://www.chipdir.nl/amazon/ //20040408/Jaap van Ganswijk, UK modes added //20040408/Jaap van Ganswijk, Japanese locale enabled //20040408/Jaap van Ganswijk, More search types added //20040720/JvG, removed the slashes after the server URL's so the slash can be used within a string //countries with a local Amazon $Alocale=array( 'ca' => 'Canada' , // (since 2005-01-21) 'de' => 'Germany', 'fr' => 'France' , // (since 2005-01-21) 'jp' => 'Japan' , 'uk' => 'UK' , 'us' => 'USA' , ); //You can remove or disable the local Amazon's here that you don't want to support. //servers per country $Aserver=array( 'ca' => array( 'nor' => 'http://www.amazon.ca' , //Canadian normal server 'xml' => 'http://xml.amazon.com' , //Canadian xml server ), 'de' => array( 'nor' => 'http://www.amazon.de' , //German normal server 'xml' => 'http://xml-eu.amazon.com', //German xml server ), 'fr' => array( 'nor' => 'http://www.amazon.fr' , //French normal server 'xml' => 'http://xml-eu.amazon.com', //French xml server ), 'jp' => array( 'nor' => 'http://www.amazon.co.jp' , //Japanese normal server 'xml' => 'http://xml.amazon.com', //Japanese xml server ), 'uk' => array( 'nor' => 'http://www.amazon.co.uk' , //UK normal server 'xml' => 'http://xml-eu.amazon.com', //UK xml server ), 'us' => array( 'nor' => 'http://www.amazon.com' , //USA normal server 'xml' => 'http://xml.amazon.com' , //USA xml server ), ); //product categories per country server //source for this array: kit3_1/AmazonWebServices/API%20Guide/using_international_data.htm //they are kept in the order of that list $Amode=array( 'us' => array( 'books' => 'books' , 'music' => 'popular music' , 'classical' => 'classical music' , 'dvd' => 'DVD' , 'vhs' => 'video movies' , 'electronics' => 'electronics' , 'kitchen' => 'kitchen and housewares' , 'software' => 'software' , 'videogames' => 'computer and video games', 'magazines' => 'magazines' , 'toys' => 'toys and games' , 'photo' => 'camera and photo' , 'baby' => 'baby' , 'garden' => 'outdoor living' , 'pc-hardware' => 'computers' , 'tools' => 'tools and hardware' , 'hpc' => 'Health and personal care', //20050412: new, suggested by DvH 'gourmet' => 'Gourmet' , //20050412: new, suggested by DvH ), 'uk' => array( 'books-uk' => 'books' , 'music' => 'popular music' , 'classical' => 'classical music' , 'dvd-uk' => 'DVD' , 'vhs-uk' => 'video movies' , 'electronics-uk' => 'electronics' , 'kitchen-uk' => 'kitchen and housewares' , 'software-uk' => 'software' , 'video-games-uk' => 'computer and video games', 'toys-uk' => 'toys and games' , ), 'de' => array( 'books-de' => 'books' , 'pop-music-de' => 'popular music' , 'classical-de' => 'classical music' , 'dvd-de' => 'DVD' , 'vhs-de' => 'video movies' , 'ce-de' => 'electronics and foto' , 'kitchen-de' => 'kitchen and housewares' , 'software-de' => 'software' , 'video-games-de' => 'computer and video games', 'magazines-de' => 'Magazines' , 'books-de-intl-us'=> 'USA books' , ), 'jp' => array( 'books-jp' => 'books' , 'music-jp' => 'music' , 'classical-jp' => 'classical music' , 'dvd-jp' => 'DVD' , 'vhs-jp' => 'video movies' , 'electronics-jp' => 'electronics' , 'software-jp' => 'software' , 'videogames-jp' => 'computer and video games', 'books-us' => 'USA books' , ), 'fr' => array( 'blended' => 'Tous les produits' , 'books-fr' => 'Livres en français', 'books-fr-intl-us'=> 'livres en anglais' , 'music-fr' => 'Pop, V.F., Jazz...' , 'classical-fr' => 'Musique classique' , 'dvd-fr' => 'DVD' , 'vhs-fr' => 'Vidéo' , 'sw-vg-fr' => 'Logiciels et consommables', 'video-games-fr' => 'Jeux vidéo' , ), ); //search types //see for example kit3_1/AmazonWebServices/API%20Guide/index.html $Asearchtype=array( 'ActorSearch' => 'Actor/Actress' , 'ArtistSearch' => 'Artist/Musician', 'AsinSearch' => 'ASIN/ISBN' , //give an ASIN as the search string 'AuthorSearch' => 'Author' , 'BlendedSearch' => 'Blended' , //this will search in several categories (modes) 'BrowseNodeSearch' => 'Browse node' , 'DirectorSearch' => 'Director' , 'ExchangeSearch' => 'Exchange' , 'KeywordSearch' => 'Keyword' , 'ListmaniaSearch' => 'Listmania' , 'ManufacturerSearch' => 'Manufacturer' , 'MarketplaceSearch' => 'Marketplace' , 'PowerSearch' => 'Power' , 'SellerSearch' => 'Seller' , 'SimilaritySearch' => 'Similarity' , 'TextStreamSearch' => 'TextStream' , //will search inside of books? 'UpcSearch' => 'UPC' , 'WishlistSearch' => 'Wishlist' , ); //or is this also locale dependend? //Yes, a lot of search types are only valid on the USA locale. //A lot of search types only work on certain categories (modes). //error messages //and how to handle them $Aerror=array( 'There are no exact matches for the search.'=>'print', );